Undergraduate Research

The Office of Undergraduate Research & Fellowships engages students in meaningful and rigorous research experiences, develops undergraduate research skills, and connects undergraduates to faculty-driven or independent research opportunities.

We define research as scholarly or creative activities that lead to the production of original work (Stocks, J. Ramey, J. & Lazarus, B. 2003), either including or independent of faculty guidance.

Though research is often thought of as something confined to our professors and their laboratories, research also happens in English 101, when a student close-reads a novel and develops their own interpretation of a character's motivations. It happens in figure drawing when a spotlight is adjusted and the shadows are studied. With all the lectures, readings, and papers the average undergraduate of Newcomb-Tulane College produces during a given week, it could be well argued that our students are the most prolific researchers on campus!

Start Your Research Journey


Poster Session

Research Network

This innovative resource, created by Newcomb-Tulane College and maintained by the Office of Undergraduate Research, provides students and faculty access to a convenient, searchable database of research opportunities across a diverse spectrum of topics ranging from art history, to poetry, to biology, to digital animation, to climate change and beyond.


View the Research Network