Summer Research Opportunities

Explore areas of interest by working alongside faculty in those fields or conducting independent research during summer break. A wide range of opportunities exist within Newcomb-Tulane College across a variety of fields and interdisciplinary programs.

ASPIRE Research Buddy Program

The ASPIRE Research Buddy Program provides Newcomb-Tulane College students with the valuable research experience needed before medical school. Once selected, students are paired with medical school students and faculty mentors within Tulane Medical School's ASPIRE Program, allowing for a triad mentorship learning experience. Upon completing the program, students will develop an abstract and poster presentation on the research they conducted. Many students continue their research well beyond summer with the connections they made during the program.

The ASPIRE Research Buddy Program is the premier inclusion program within Undergraduate Research & Fellowships. The inaugural year of this program was funded by a generous gift to Newcomb-Tulane College from Tomi Prvulovic with the intention to enhance undergraduate research.

The program will cover eight weeks of room and board in on-campus, Tulane Housing. For students who wish to stay off-campus, we will offer a flat $3,200 grant to contribute toward their living expenses.

Beyond starting a research career early as an undergraduate student, additional benefits include:

  • Training in proper research techniques and laboratory etiquette from actual medical student
  • Firsthand lab experience and an awarded certificate of completion you can add to your resume and discuss in medical school interviews
  • Free on-campus boarding and dining plan during this eight-week-program
  • Regular check-ins with assigned faculty advisors for additional support and guidance
  • Possible Accreditation as a second or third-author on a Tulane Medical School research paper

Requirements and Eligibility

  • You must submit an online application and provide well-written responses to the fellowship short-answer questions:
    • Question 1 (500 words max): Why are you interested in the ASPIRE Research Buddy Program and what do you hope to gain from participating in this program?
    • Question 2 (500 words max): How will participating in the ASPIRE Research Buddy Program help you achieve your personal, educational, and professional goals?
    • Question 3 (250 words max): Tell us about a time that you have to advocate for yourself in an academic setting (e.g., boss, professor, classmate, etc.). What was the conflict and what was the final resolution?
  • No cover letter or letter of recommendation is required.
  • You must be an undergraduate student in good academic standing and conduct.


Application Timeline

  • Monday, December 2: Application opens
  • Wednesday, March 15: Deadline for submissions

Tulane is an equal opportunity educator and employer;  legally protected demographic criteria such as race, national origin, age, disability, etc. are not relied upon as an eligibility or participation criteria for this program.

Apply for the ASPIRE Research Buddy Program

Summer Research Program

The Summer Research Fund is an opportunity for students to work with a Tulane professor on a scholarly project for six weeks during the summer. 

It is great for all students interested in research, regardless of their experience; for students new to research or already working with a faculty mentor. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors across Tulane’s five schools are welcome to apply. You can earn up to $3000 for housing and/or research costs.

Funding can be used to cover the cost of housing and research materials, so students can focus on this enhanced academic experience. The program supports eight weeks of research on the Tulane campus, supervised by a Tulane faculty member. Students meet as a community weekly throughout the eight–week period to gain reflect upon the research process, provide support for one another, and learn how to turn their research into future careers, theses, conference presentations, and more.

Applicants are eligible for up to $3,000 and the amount awarded will be dependent on how many hours per week the student works on their research.

Application Requirements and Eligibility

  • You must submit an online application, a budget, proof of research project, and a letter of support from a member of your lab that is supervising your research and you plan to collaborate with (e.g., faculty member or principal investigator, postdoctoral fellow, PhD student).
  • The online application will include the following questions:
    • Question 1 (no max or min word count): Brief Description of Research Question/Topic
    • Question 2 (500 words max): Why are you interested in research? What do you hope to gain from this research experience?
    • Question 3 (500 words max): What are your long-term academic, personal, and career goals, and how will engaging in research help you reach these goals?
  • You must be an undergraduate student in good academic standing and conduct.


Application Timeline

  • Monday, December 2: Application opens
  • Saturday, March 15: Deadline for submissions
  • Friday, April 4: Decisions announced

Dates & Topics are Subject to Change

  • Pre-SRP: Orientation -- week of April 28th
  • 1st Didactic Session -- week of June 2nd: Welcome to SRP & Overview of Research Jargon
  • 2nd Didactic Session -- week of June 9th: Panel of Current Graduate Students (Masters, PhD, Law, Medical)
  • 3rd Didactic Session -- week of June 16th: Faculty Member Chat, Education & Career Trajectory
  • 4th Didactic Session -- week of June 23rd: Nationally Competitive Fellowships & Scholarships with OFA
  • 5th Didactic Session -- week of June 30th: Off-Campus Social Activity
  • 6th Didactic Session -- week of July 7th: How to Fund Your Research this Fall
  • 7th Didactic Session -- week of July 14th: You’ve Done the Research, What Comes Next?
  • Final Didactic Session -- week of July 21st: Celebration & Closing of SRP
  • After SRP: Optional Workshops -- How to make a research poster? How to write an abstract? Personal Statement writing for Graduate School Applications.

Tulane is an equal opportunity educator and employer;  legally protected demographic criteria such as race, national origin, age, disability, etc. are not relied upon as an eligibility or participation criteria for this program.

Apply for the Summer Research Program

Summer Research Institute on Racial Equity

The Summer Research Institute on Racial Equity is a 4-week program designed to increase BIPOC student participation in research, cultivate greater awareness of and preparation in graduate school applications, and develop young BIPOC scholars interested in working on topics of racial equity through an interdisciplinary lens.

This program is designed for students who have never conducted research before and are interested in gaining new skills. Participants will engage in weekly didactic sessions with faculty lectures and guest speakers, meet one-on-one with the faculty director, learn about the graduate school application process, and engage in readings both in their field and on the craft of research.

By participating in this program, students will learn about the craft of research and create an independent research project that can be used to further their academic career and apply to graduate programs. Additionally, participating students will receive free on-campus housing and a stipend.

Application Requirements and Eligibility

  • You must submit the virtual application and provide well-written responses to the short answer questions.
    • Question 1 (250 words max): Describe your aspirations after completing your undergraduate degree (e.g., graduate school, continue research, etc.). How will participating in the Summer Research Institute help you achieve your goals/aspirations? 
    • Question 2 (250 words max): In what ways do you think equity, diversity, and inclusion impacts your research?
    • Question 3 (500 words max): Describe a topic related to racial equity that you are passionate about and interested in researching. In your description, please include what sparked your interest, any research you have already conducted (in class or outside), and how the structure and programming in this Summer Research Institute can help you develop this topic further.
  • You must be an undergraduate student in good academic standing and conduct.


Application Timeline

  • Monday, December 2: Application opens
  • Saturday, March 15: Deadline for submissions

Tulane is an equal opportunity educator and employer;  legally protected demographic criteria such as race, national origin, age, disability, etc. are not relied upon as an eligibility or participation criteria for this program.

Apply for the Summer Research Institute on Racial Equity